Primeiro Workshop P&D Energisa/PUC-RIO LAMPS

On the 20th and 21st of June, at PUC-Rio, LAMPS promoted the first workshop concerning its latest R&D Project with the Energisa group. The event covered several issues such as operation, regulation as well as decision-making under uncertainty and risk aversion. It had the participation and collaboration of 16 employees from Energisa, coming from all over the country, and 5 team members from LAMPS. One of the highlights of the first day was the roundtable on the current practices of the various companies from the Energisa group. On the second day, Energisa employees participated in a hands-on training based on existing simulation and optimization models developed by LAMPS. The result was a strong synergy between project members from both teams, showing a promising academia-industry integration. So far, we have already identified some points with which the lab can immediately assist the Energisa group and pinpointed some of the companies’ specificities which shall be considered in the project to be developed over the next two and a half years.