While visiting Brazil, David Pozo, LAMPS associate from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, presents his project in collaboration with Prof. Street and the DSc student Alexandre Velloso entitled “A Probability-Free Model for Planning Power Systems under Deep Uncertainty”

The presentation will be held next Thursday, August 10, at 2 PM in the Multimeios room of the Electrical Engineering Department of PUC-Rio*

In order to promote the broad penetration of new renewable energy generation (RG), we propose a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) mathematical framework for addressing the transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem that accounts for long- and short-term uncertainty. Therefore, we consider the case in which the true probability distribution of future RG is ambiguous, i.e., difficult to accurately estimate. The resulting DRO model is robust against the worst probability distribution function that lies on a set with partial information of the true probability distribution. Thus, The proposed framework allows to find the optimal transmission expansion plan in a probability-free fashion. Thus, it does not rely on the expert criteria for defining probabilities. For the sake of demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed optimization method on an illustrative power system.

See presentation here: DRO-TEP LAMPS

*Electrical Engineering Department (DEE)
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Edifício Cardeal Leme, sala 401 – Gávea