Electricity Market Design at PUC-Rio: Workshop on Market Designs and Price Offerings with Luiz Barroso (PSR Consulting, Brazil) and Francisco Muñoz (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile) on January 22.

Every year, the course on Electric Power Economics, taught by Prof. Alexandre Street at the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering of PUC-Rio, promotes a workshop open to the external community.  After the great interest raised by the last event (see picture here), this year we discussed electricity market design with a full house. The CEO of PSR Consulting and former president of EPE (the Brazilian Energy Research Company), Luiz Augusto Barroso, and Prof. Francisco Muñoz, from Universidade Adolfo Ibañez (Chile), an expert on electricity market design discussed provided insightful discussions moderated by Prof. Alexandre Street, Director of LAMPS PUC-Rio.

Barroso presented “Pricing Mechanisms: Challenges and Alternatives to Bid-Based dispatch,” while Muñoz presented the lecture entitled “Market Design for Low-Carbon and Flexible Systems.”

The workshop was held on January 22, from 9 AM to 1 PM, at the RDC Auditorium, Rio Data Center (RDC) building.

Presentations are available on the following links:

[Luiz Barroso presentation], [Francisco Muñoz presentation]