First meeting of Julia users and developers in Rio de Janeiro

Last October, LAMPS organized, at PUC-Rio, the first meeting of Julia users and developers in Rio de Janeiro, which featured six excellent presentations.

  1. “A linguagem Julia e sua comunidade no Rio de Janeiro,” Felipe Noronha
  2. “GeoStats.jl: Geostatistical learning em Julia,” Júlio Hoffiman
  3. “Modelando séries temporais (e outras coisas) com StateSpaceModels.jl,” Raphael Saavedra
  4. “Despacho econômico hidrotérmico com HydroPowerModels.jl,” Andrew Rosemberg
  5. “Dualização automática em Julia,” Guilherme Bodin
  6. “Sistemas de recomendação utilizando Persa.jl,” Filipe Braida

The presentations have been recorded and are available on LAMPS’ YouTube channel. Access the video here.

We thank the audience and presenters for their participation and hope this was just the first of many meetings to come. See you next time!