Tomás Gutierrez, PhD student at DEI and researcher at LAMPS, receives an Honorable Mention as a prominent student at the V EPPGEP of ANPEPRO

Tomás was awarded at the 5th Research and Postgraduate Meeting in Production Engineering (EPPGEP), held virtually on September 10, for his article “Can Asset Allocation Limits Determine Portfolio Risk-Return Profiles in DC Pension Schemes?”, presented at the event and published in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, in May of last year. The work is the result of his Master’s research on the subject, advised by Prof. Davi Valladão (LAMPS/ DEI/ PUC-Rio).

EPPGEP is an initiative of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Production Engineering (ANPEPRO), created in 2013. At the event, a committee formed by researchers with Productivity Grants from CNPq evaluates and rewards the best works submitted for the Meeting.

Congratulations, Tomás!